- Editorial: Revision of the Business Valuation Standards in Germany and Austria: Exposure Drafts Published
Wolfgang Kniest, CVA - Assessment of Damage to a Companyʼs Image
Hugo Martinez - Patent-based Startup Valuation
Fabian Völker, M.Sc. / Dr. Christian Reichert, CVA, MBA - Cost of Capital Study 2024: The New Dilemma: Balancing Interest Rates and Growth
Heike Snellen / Dr. Andreas Tschöpel, CVA/CEFA/CIIA - Data: Industry Betas and Multiples (for Eurozone Companies)
Dr. Martin H. Schmidt / Dr. Andreas Tschöpel, CVA, CEFA, CIIA - Data: Transaction Multiples (Scandinavia and Britain)
Prof. Dr. Stefan O. Grbenic, StB, CVA - News from IVSC
- Data: Discounts for Lack of Marketability (Europe)
Prof. Dr. Stefan O. Grbenic, StB, CVA
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